How to Build a DIY Air Purifier for Your Home
As the winter season approaches, many people are about to start gathering indoors more frequently, which means closer quarters for virus-containing droplets to travel through the air. According to the…
All Strange Things About India and world
As the winter season approaches, many people are about to start gathering indoors more frequently, which means closer quarters for virus-containing droplets to travel through the air. According to the…
Photo: Parinya Smithijaroenpon (Shutterstock) I’m slow to catch on sometimes. Even though I’d had intermittent wheezing over the years, I didn’t learn I had asthma until my 30s. And even…
Photo: lomiso (Shutterstock) When it comes to the temperature inside your home, you probably have a decent idea of how warm or cool you need it to be in order…
Photo: Rick Beauregard (Shutterstock) Given the health risks associated with mold, it’s not something you want in or near your home. Unfortunately, flooding, humidity, and/or improper storage can result in…
Photo: PattyPhoto (Shutterstock) Air conditioners make life much easier when the weather is hot. But if your AC unit isn’t well-maintained or functioning properly, or hasn’t been used for an…