How to Stop False Smoke Alarms When You’re Cooking
Smoke detectors: Can’t cook with them, won’t survive a midnight blaze without them. If you spend any time in the kitchen, a food-triggered false alarm has probably happened to you.…
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Smoke detectors: Can’t cook with them, won’t survive a midnight blaze without them. If you spend any time in the kitchen, a food-triggered false alarm has probably happened to you.…
Smoke detectors are essential home safety fixtures, but some can be a bit overzealous—sounding their alarm if you leave your English muffin in the toaster a minute or two too…
Smoke and carbon dioxide detectors serve an important, potentially life-saving function, and should be located throughout every home. In addition to installing them in the right places, you should also…
Photo: KANOWA (Shutterstock) Having smoke detectors with working batteries placed throughout your home is an important component of fire safety, but in order for them to be most effective, it…
Photo: Phonlamai Photo (Shutterstock) House fires are terrifying—they can go from spark to inferno in as little as thirty seconds. And yet, most of us don’t think all that often…
Photo: Charles Brutlag (Shutterstock) Smart smoke detectors are one of many smart technologies entering the market for homeowners. These modern smoke detectors have more safety features than traditional smoke detectors,…