That Rental Listing Might Actually Be a Scam
Photo: dc_slim (Shutterstock) We are right smack in the middle of moving season. Leases are ending and starting; U-Haul vans and boxes are hot commodities; IKEA and The Home Depot…
All Strange Things About India and world
Photo: dc_slim (Shutterstock) We are right smack in the middle of moving season. Leases are ending and starting; U-Haul vans and boxes are hot commodities; IKEA and The Home Depot…
Job seekers often have plenty of hurdles to landing a new job. For one, many companies are keeping “ghost listings” up on job boards that they don’t really plan to…
Getting scammed is never fun—but falling prey to a travel scam can be especially upsetting. Not only are you out a significant amount of money, but you’ve given away a…
You’re about to buy a home for the first time after years of work, sacrifice, and saving. Your state requires you to wire your closing cost, so you decide to…
Buying a house can feel like finishing a marathon—or maybe a triathlon. You’ve spent months hunting for the right property, convincing someone that you’re responsible enough to be loaned an…
Humans are predictable: When we want to know something, we’re probably going to google it. Companies (including digital media sites like Lifehacker) know this, and often try to “game the…
So many of us are unhappy with our current employers that some clever person coined the term “rage applying” to describe the newfound zeal for searching for a new gig.…
In 2022, BioCatch, a software company that delivers advanced fraud protection, estimated that there are approximately two million mule accounts in the U.S., and about $3 billion in fraudulent transfers…
Photo: Andrey_Popov (Shutterstock) Another improvement in technology that has helped scammers fill their pockets with more money this year has been the ability to falsify checks: At its root, the…
Photo: Nitiphonphat (Shutterstock) These days, I get so many spam calls I hardly pick up the phone anymore. However, if I see a call from someone I know, whether they’re…