Strange India All Strange Things About India and worldStrange India All Strange Things About India and world

Life’s ironies could be cruel. To think that the actor par brilliance might have been battling his own demons secretly and plastering a smile, all the while playing a character who is hiding his imminent death, is plain heartbreaking. It also serves as a reminder that mental health conditions aren’t black and white, they are mostly grey. Depression hides in the way you conduct yourself–in your conversations, the way you react to grief, the way you act in public to compensate for the numbing vacuum you feel inside and how you want your brain to shut up, even for a moment.

We stumbled across an old interview that Sushant had given to a leading media outlet, where he was talking about coping with his mother’s demise and how he had taken to acting to bury the storm of emotions within him. He had said, “It takes a lot out of me to force myself to get overly excited about things and probably this is the reason why I like acting so much. Because it helps me get away from myself.”

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