Sunny Deol shared this picture. (courtesy: iamsunnydeol)New Delhi: Bollywood actor Sunny Deol, 65, is undergoing a medical treatment in the US. His spokesperson issued a statement revealing that the Border actor sustained a back injury a few weeks ago while he was shooting for one of his forthcoming projects. Concerned fans wondered about Sunny’s absence at the oath ceremony of President Droupadi Murmu in New Delhi on Monday as the actor is also the Lok Sabha MP from Gurdaspur, Punjab. “He was undergoing back treatment first in Mumbai and then he flew to the USA for his back treatment two weeks back. The presidential elections happened during this time and he was not in the country as his treatment is still not over. He should be returning to India post his recovery,” the spokesperson’s statement read, quoted by news agency ANI.On Tuesday, the Ghayal actor shared a lovely picture with his father and veteran actor Dharmendra along with his brother Bobby Deol on Instagram. He captioned the happy image: “Happiness is Loving And Being Loved. That’s what Life Is,” and added the hashtags #life, #love, #loved. Earlier, he posted a selfie with Bobby Deol and gave his fans a glimpse of their bond by writing: “Bob” with lots of red heart and hug emoticons. On the post, Bobby commented: “Love you, Bhaiya you mean the world to me.”Meanwhile, Sunny has an interesting line-up of projects. He will star in the second instalment of his popular 2001 film, Gadar with Ameesha Patel. He will also feature In R Balki’s Chup co-starring Pooja Bhatt and Dulquer Salmaan. Later, he also has Apne 2, which is a work in progress.
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