Sonam Kapoor shared this picture. (courtesy: sonamkapoor)New Delhi: Sonam Kapoor is celebrating Mother’s Day in London today (March 19) with her husband Anand Ahuja, and a while ago, she offered a sneak peek of the celebrations at her home. On Instagram, Sonam shared videos and a picture of her room decorated with balloons and gifts. In the video, we can see “Mama,” written on her bed with silver balloons. Below, we can see two gifts wrapped in black wrapping paper. Along with the videos and a picture, the actress wrote a sweet note that read, “It’s my first Mother’s Day and Anand Ahuja has outdone himself. Love you my baby.” Sharing the video of her decorated room, Sonam Kapoor wrote, “Best husband in the world.” She also shared a video of her unwrapping the gift – a limited edition of William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. And captioned it as “Best gift to give me are books.” Check out Sonam Kapoor’s note to her husband Anand Ahuja below: For those who don’t know then, let us tell you that in the UK, the fourth Sunday of March, is celebrated as Mother’s Day (also known as Mothering Sunday). This year, it’s being celebrated today (March 19). Sonam Kapoor is currently with her husband Anand Ahuja in London. A day ago, she attended an event and offered a glimpse of her look. On Instagram, the actress shared several gorgeous pictures in which she can be seen in a grey off-shoulder sequin dress. Take a look below: Sonam Kapoor got married to Anand Ahuja in May 2018 after dating for several years. The couple welcomed their son Vayu in August 2022.
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