Strange IndiaStrange India

There was a time when we all had dedicated alarm clocks on our nightstands to wake us up in the morning. Now, I’d wager a smartphone does the job for most of us (whether we like it or not).

The thing about alarms, though: They kind of need to work every time they’re scheduled to go off. There’s no acceptable percentage of failure, as, presumably, you’re setting that alarm at a specific time for a good reason. You might have work, an interview, an appointment, any number of other important obligations, and not all of them are going to tolerate “my alarm didn’t go off” as an excuse. So, alarms need to work, and right now, alarms set on a Google Pixel can’t be trusted.

Alarms aren’t reliable on Pixel at the moment

Something screwy is going on with Pixel alarms, as evidenced by this Reddit thread on r/GooglePixel. One user shared that their alarm on their Pixel 9 did not go off that morning, which caused them to be late to work. This wasn’t a one-off alarm, either (not that it would make the situation any better if it was); rather, this was the user’s prescheduled Monday-through-Friday alarm that had been working for years, according to the poster.

Scrolling through the thread, you’ll find posts from other users experiencing similar alarm issues. Some actually received notifications from Android saying the alarm failed to sound, which is at least a bit helpful. (You don’t have to spending the day wondering if it was your phone that messed up, or if you turned off the alarm in your sleep.) However, not all affected users were so lucky: Another user claims they have five alarms set each morning and none of them went off, with zero notification about a failure on Android’s end. Curiously, one user says they woke up late, but their Pixel said there was an upcoming alarm for a time that was already in the past—as if the phone thought it was currently earlier than it actually was.

It’s possible this isn’t just affecting Pixel phones, either. One commenter believes this is an issue with the alarms in Google’s Clock app on Android 15, which the user experienced on their OnePlus device. All that said, Android Authority hasn’t been able to replicate the issue on their end, so it’s possible this isn’t an issue affecting all Pixel phones or all Google Clock users. Still, there are enough reports to warrant some concern.

Why is the alarm not working on Pixel?

It’s not clear what’s causing this specific issue, but it’s not the first time smartphones have had trouble with alarms. Last year, Google acknowledged a bug was deleting saved alarms on Android, causing a similar issue. You may have also experienced problems with Google Assistant being too quick to turn off an alarm too, or your Pixel Watch sounding the alarm too early—or, worse, too late.

Before any Apple fans get too smug, the same complications are present over on iOS. Last year, Apple confirmed there were issues with its iPhone’s alarms, as users reported their alarms weren’t going off. Some even say issues are still occurring.

The short answer is there’s likely a bug that’s causing Pixel or Google Clock to not sound the alarms you set. Google hasn’t publicly commented on this issue as of this writing, but the Reddit poster did say Google Support has reached out to them. If this is a bug, hopefully Google patches it fast.

How to get around a broken Pixel alarm

While we wait for a potential fix from Google, it seems safe to say the Google Clock app isn’t the best option at the moment for anyone who wants to be sure they’ll wake up on time. Luckily, there are a surprising number of alarm clock apps out there for you to switch to if you don’t trust Google’s built-in solution. Give one a shot, at least until we get some more clarity from Google about the situation.

Alternatively, you could rely on a different device entirely for your morning alarms. If you don’t have a true alarm clock these days, you might have another piece of tech that isn’t running Google Clock to rely on, like, say, a smart speaker. It’s definitely a pain though, seeing as setting alarms are a basic feature you expect a smartphone to be able to handle.

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