Shah Rukh Khan pictured with his sons Aryan and AbRam at the airport.Shah Rukh Khan’s elder son Aryan Khan protected his father after a fan tried to grab the superstar’s arms. Shah Rukh Khan was pictured with his sons Aryan and AbRam at Mumbai airport on Sunday. As the actor made his way out with his sons, a fan tried to hold the actor’s hand to click a selfie with him, but Shah Rukh immediately removed his hand and took a step back. On seeing this, Aryan, who was walking behind him, came to his father’s rescue. He stretched his hand out and escorted him and his little brother AbRam to the car. In the video, Shah Rukh Khan can be seen holding his younger son AbRam’s hand while Aryan walks behind them. The actor looks dashing in a white t-shirt paired with blue pants. He layered the look with a black jacket. On the other hand, his sons Aryan and AbRam also look uber cool in casual outfits. Here have a look at Shah Rukh Khan and his sons’ pictures: Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan has been keeping busy shooting for his upcoming projects – Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki, Pathaan and Atlee’s Jawan. A few days ago, the actor was shooting for Dunki in London, and several pictures from the sets surfaced on the internet. On Friday, the actor took a day off from his busy schedule to watch Darlings, starring Alia Bhatt, Shefali Shah and Vijay Varma. The movie is a joint production by Shah Rukh’s Red Chillies Entertainment and Alia’s Eternal Sunshine Productions. On Twitter, he wrote, “Been working the last few days non stop….so needed to indulge in my favourite past time….’the love of my own person’ & to pamper myself, will spend the day with Prabhuji / Thums up and #DARLINGS (this is not an endorsement, just ‘mees spoilingss mees on a days offs pleaj….’)”Here have a look: Been working the last few days non stop….so needed to indulge in my favourite past time….’the love of my own person’ & to pamper myself, will spend the day with Prabhuji / Thums up and #DARLINGS (this is not an endorsement, just ‘mees spoilingss mees on a days offs pleaj….’)— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) August 5, 2022In terms of work, Shah Rukh Khan will be next seen in Pathaan with Deepika Padukone and John Abraham, Jawan with Nayanthara and Dunki, co-starring Taapsee Pannu.
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