Shah Rukh Khan’s comeback film ‘Pathaan’ was released on January 25 and has already crossed several benchmarks at the box office. Co-starring John Abraham and Deepika Padukone, the film is touching new echelons of success every single day. The spy thriller was Shah Rukh Khan’s first film after four years, the last one being ‘Zero’ which was released in 2019. During a media interaction post the film’s release, Shah Rukh Khan revealed some interesting anecdotes and behind-the-scenes moments from the sets of ‘Pathaan’. He said that John Abraham used to bring a special home-cooked pasta to the sets of the film, that Shah Rukh Khan would detest to the core.(Also Read: ‘Om Shanti Om’ Inspired Cake Has Left Us Craving For Some Sweet Treats)Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham interacted with the media recently.”John ek pasta banate hain. Main soch raha hu sirf apna pizza khau, iska pasta kabhi na khau, [John Abraham cooks a special pasta. I’m thinking to only eat my pizza and never eat the pasta he makes]” said Shah Rukh Khan in the video. He further revealed that he would bring homemade pizza to the set, while John Abraham would offer him his home-cooked pasta. “There was only one thing in the film that went wrong, and because of my love for John, I couldn’t say it out loud. But today, I want to speak my heart out,” he confessed.”Bhai woh pasta tu bhi khana chhod de please (stop eating that pasta),” he requested John Abraham sincerely. “Bohot hee alag sa taste hai. Aisa lagta hai ki cardboard ko 20 saal cupboard mein rakha hai aur nikal ke chabana shuru kar diya (The pasta tastes quite different. It feels like it was kept in the cupboard for 20 years, and immediately taken out and served).” said Shah Rukh Khan. Moreover, John Abraham would only eat his home-cooked pasta and nothing else, as Khan revealed. “And that’s all he eats! Pasta, pasta, pasta, cardboard, cardboard, cardboard!”Watch the full video of the hilarious anecdote here. Or else, head to the top of the article:(Also Read: Deepika Padukone Marks ‘Pathaan’ Release With Sweet Indulgences)On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan delighted fans with a surprise appearance in the Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt starrer ‘Brahmastra’. Apart from ‘Pathaan’, he is also awaiting two more releases this year – ‘Jawan’ and ‘Dunki’. Further, Khan is also going to feature in a guest appearance in ‘Tiger 3’ starring Salman Khan.