Strange IndiaStrange India

Shah Rukh Khan was speaking at an event. (File Photo)Actor Shah Rukh Khan appeared at a brand event in New Delhi on Wednesday where he charmed the audience with his witty style. Interacting with them, the actor said he is the fan of the brand and went on to list the number of televisions he owns.”I have one TV in the bedroom, I have one in the living room, I have another one in my little son AbRam’s room, I have one in Aryan’s room, I have one in my daughter’s room. Recently, some other redundant make of a television got spoilt in the gym, I only wait for the days when the old televisions get busted so I can quickly go an buy an LG,” said Shah Rukh Khan.Also Read | New Pics From Shah Rukh Khan’s “Delhi Diaries””The cost of each television is about a lakh, lakh-and-a-half. By that calculation, I’ve spent about Rs 30-40 lakh on televisions,” he added.#ShahRukhKhan@iamsrk has TVs worth 30-40 lakhs in his home. ????I feel poor now.!— Mirza Faisal SRKian (@MirzaFaisal4SRK) May 24, 2022As soon as the video of the event surfaced on social media, it quickly went viral and users posted hilarious comments.“#ShahRukhKhan @iamsrk has TVs worth 30-40 lakhs in his home. I feel poor now.!” a user commented.“Sir, please gift one television to me. I will be grateful,” another posted.Shah Rukh Khan lives in Mannat, a palatial bungalow in Mumbai’s Bandstand. At the same event, the actor also said that he is only allowed to handle the tech inside the house, but not the interiors, which is his wife Gauri’s expertise.Shah Rukh Khan, who has been fairly active as a producer in the last few years, was last seen in 2018 film Zero, co-starring Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif. He has also co-produced Alia Bhatt’s Darlings, which marks her debut as a film producer. He also backed the standalone film on Bob Biswas, featuring Abhishek Bachchan in the titular role, which released last year.

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