The Indian equity benchmarks surged on Monday as market sentiment improved after domestic coronavirus cases fell below the 300,000 mark for the first time since April 21. The S&P BSE Sensex surged as much as 895 points and Nifty 50 index closed above its important psychological of 14,900. State Bank of India, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, HDFC, State Bank of India and Axis Bank were among the op movers in the Sensex.The Sensex ended 848 points or 1.74 per cent higher at 49,581 and Nifty 50 index jumped 245 points or 1.67 per cent to close at 14,923.India reported 281,386 new coronavirus infections over the last 24 hours, the lowest since April 21, helped by extended lockdowns in some states.
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