Whether you’re working on a book, essay, or business plan, long-form writing takes a lot of organization. Standard word processors like Microsoft Word give you the tools to write, but they don’t necessarily make it easier. Scrivener, on the other hand, is designed specifically to help writers organize, research, and write long projects, and Scrivener 3 for Mac or Windows is on sale right now for $29.99 (reg. $59.99).
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You don’t have to be a best-selling author to use Scrivener, but a lot of them do—like Sabba Tahir, author of A Torch Against the Night, and Mark Manson, author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F***. Manson says he likes Scrivener because it “allows you to move massive chunks of text between chapters and sections very quickly and easily,” but that’s basically just the beginning of its uses.
When you buy Scrivener 3, you can use it indefinitely on one device. Scrivener updates their software frequently, but if they release Scrivener 4, you might have to purchase that separately if you want to upgrade. Whether you’re in school, writing a book, or just need a tool that can help you organize your thoughts, Scrivener 3 at 50% off is a great choice, though prices can change at any time: