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The side effects noticed in the volunteers were found to be on the milder side. These are what medical experts call a vaccine’s ‘reactogenic’ effects post administration, which tend to cause mild discomfort. Some of the symptoms which have been witnessed include fever, chills, muscle pain and soreness.

Russian officials, tracking the study also mentioned that further dosing would help ascertain more observations. While 300 patients out of 40,000 selected ones have been successfully injected, the second dose will be given 21 days after the date of the first shot being provided.

It should be noted that the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine trials, considered to be a top contender in the global vaccine race were halted in the middle of phase III trials after a volunteer recorded ‘neurological’ complications.

Russia, which plans to start mass immunization in the country beginning next year is eyeing to publish observatory data from phase III trials by October end or November. The vaccine, named Sputnik V has been excessively marred by controversies from the start.

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