He made theseremarks on MondayNew Delhi: Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Monday said that Bangladesh and Pakistan’s merger with India is possible just like the unification of East Germany and West Germany.”When eastern and western can unite, the merger of Pakistan and Bangladesh with India can also be possible. Not long ago but this happened in 1991 and people broke that (Berlin) wall,” Manohar Lal Khattar said.Mr Khattar also termed the country’s partition in 1947 as “painful”. “People from minority communities were given the “minority” tag so that they would not develop a feeling of fear and insecurity,” he said.The Haryana Chief Minister stressed that India wants good relations with its neighbouring countries.He made these remarks while inaugurating a three-day training camp of the BJP’s national Minority Morcha in Gurugram on Monday.Hitting out at the Congress, Manohar Lal Khattar alleged that the grand old party created a feeling of insecurity among the minorities by showing fear of the Sangh.He said that the party, since independence, has used minorities as a vote bank.
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