Priyanka Chopra looks gorgeous in recent post. (courtesy: suzkr)Priyanka Chopra has treated her Insta family to pictures of her day on the field with husband Nick Jonas and friends. The actress shared selfies with Nick and close friend James Cavanaugh from her golf day. However, what caught out attention was Nick’s comment on her post. In the first picture, the actress looks stunning in a white and black co-ord set. Keeping her makeup game on point, she accessorised the look with gold hoop earrings, a bracelet and a chain. In the second image, Nick can be seen in a golf cart in an all-black outfit. Priyanka Chopra also shared a selfie with friend James Cavanaugh. Sharing the post, she captioned it as, “It was a good day.” Soon after she shared the post, Nick Jonas was quick to drop a comment, “Why are you so hot?!” First look at the post: Here have a look at Nick Jonas’ comment: Nick Jonas has also shared a video of him playing golf and captioned it as, “I love/hate this game. Thanks, @scottsdalenational and @drbobparsons @reneelparsons @pxg for a great time.” Here have a look: Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra are often seen indulging in social media banter. On Saturday, Priyanka shared stunning pictures of herself relaxing in a pool. She captioned the post as, “Instagram vs reality”. Soon after she shared the post, her husband Nick was among the first ones to drop a comment. He wrote, “Damn,” along with a fire emoticon. Here have a look: Meanwhile, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas welcomed their daughter in January 2022. The couple has neither revealed the gender of the baby nor the name, but reports are rife that they welcomed a girl. On the work front, Priyanka Chopra will be next seen in Citadel, It’s All Coming Back to Me and Farhan Akhtar’s directorial Jee Le Zaraa with Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif.
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