Mahesh Babu shared this image. (courtesy: urstrulymahesh)New Delhi: Mahesh Babu, who was recently shooting for his twenty-eighth project has stopped to rest. On Tuesday, the superstar shared a selfie of himself and wrote, “Rest and Recharge.” His caption was accompanied by the hashtag Chill Noons. The post, which was soon flooded with many likes and comments from his fans, also caught the attention of his wife Namrata Shirodkar and cricketer David Warner. Namrata’s comment read, “Simply Love” with star-eyed emojis, while David Warner wrote, “On point mate.” Mahesh Babu’s sister-in-law Shilpa Shirodkar too commented on his post. She wrote, “So cool” with red heart emojis.Meanwhile, Mahesh Babu’s fans dropped star-eyed and fire emojis on the actor’s post. One of them wrote, “Can’t take my eyes off you, my man,” while the other one wrote, “Handsome Hunk.”Check out his post here:Mahesh Babu often shares pictures and videos of himself and his family on special occasions.Just two weeks ago, the actor shared a special birthday post for his son Gautam Ghattamaneni. Sharing a picture of his son, the actor wrote, “Happy 16 my young man!! You make me proud each day and I can’t wait to see you grow into your best self!! All my love and blessings as you journey through this new phase! Remember… I’m always there when you need me! Love you my son… more than you can imagine.”See post:Mahesh Babu is currently shooting for his twenty-eighth film in Hyderabad. The film, directed by Trivikram, will also star Pooja Hegde in the lead role.
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