Strange IndiaStrange India

Mumbai: Mumbai Police rescued a 43-year-old designer from four persons who abducted him and took him to Gujarat after he failed to pay them Rs 6 lakh for a stitching assignment done by them, an official said on Saturday. The designer was abducted from suburban Malad on November 3 and taken to Vapi in an SUV, police said.Accordingly, the Gujarat Police was alerted. A crime branch team of Vapi Police intercepted the car and rescued the victim and took accused persons in custody on November 3, he said.The accused persons were brought to Mumbai on Friday and arrested under sections 365 (Kidnapping or abducting with intent secretly and wrongfully to confine a person), 323 ( punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), 504 ( Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace), and 506 ( punishment for criminal intimidation), of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), he said.”The interrogation of the accused revealed that the designer and his abductors knew each other. They abducted the designer as he had not paid them Rs 6 lakh for the job of stitching stickers to dresses,” he said. Identities were not disclosed.Featured Video Of The DayOn Camera, 2 Men Sneak Up From Behind, Snatch Mobile From Woman In Delhi

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