The jacket has been retailing on Moncler’s website.Milan-based luxury fashion brand Moncler is being slammed by social media users for launching a 380 pound (Rs 36,800) puffer jacket for dogs. The sleeveless jackets come in two colours – black and pink – and are available in size zero for skinny pooches. Mocking the design and pattern of the jackets, people said they look like tyres. The label has also launched a 420 pound (Rs 40,600) harness, hooded jackets for 455 pounds (Rs 44,000) and 655 pound (Rs 63,400) carrier for man’s best friend.The description on Moncler’s website says that the dog will be comfortable in the jacket, which is made of crafted from shiny nylon laque.”Its distinctive boudin quilting and down-filled padding ensure your precious pooch keeps warm, while the high neck and snap fasteners not only ensure a snug fit, but make it easy to put on and take off,” according to the description of the item.But shocked social media users said the price was ridiculous. “Imagine spending £400 on a Moncler jacket for your dog,” commented one user. “I mean am I about to buy a Moncler jacket for my dog before I buy one for myself?” asked another. A third user compared the costly coat to “tyre offcuts”.Last month, fashion house Balenciaga shocked the world by launching a leather bag resembling a packet of Lays potato chips. The bag was priced $1,800 (Rs 1,40,000).According to a report in Page Six, fans of the chips bemoaned the fact that the Flamin’ Hot variety was reportedly sold out in many stores and that the luxury bag comes sans chips.Before this, Balenciaga had launched trash bags worth lakhs, which were also slammed by social media users.Moncler is a French-founded Italian luxury fashion house that specialises in ready-to-wear outerwear and is headquartered in Milan.According to its website, the Moncler brand was born in 1952 in Monestier-de-Clermont, a small village in the mountains near Grenoble, with a focus on sports clothing for the mountain.Click for more trending newsFeatured Video Of The Day”Do I Fall At Your Feet And Beg?”: Mamata Banerjee’s Jibe At PM Over GST
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