Sidharth with Rashmika in Mission Majnu. (courtesy: sidmalhotra)New Delhi: Sidharth Malhotra and Rashmika Mandanna are leaving no chance to keep the excitement high among their fans for their upcoming film Mission Majnu. A week after releasing the teaser, the duo shared a new look poster on Saturday, giving us a glimpse of their unusual love story. Why unusual? Well, “iss Majnu ke kaam aur pyaar karneka tareeka alag hai (this Majnu has a different approach to work and love),” as per the co-stars. The poster features Sidharth Malhotra as Tariq riding a scooter. Rashmika Mandanna, who plays the role of Nasreen, is seen sitting in the backseat and holding him while smiling with all her heart. The caption on the poster read, “Iss Majnu ke kaam aur pyaar karneka tareeka alag hai. Jaaniye Tariq aur Nasreen ki kahaani in Mission Majnu (know the story of Tariq and Nasreen in Mission Majnu), releasing (on) January 20, only on Netflix.”Mission Majnu, which is set in the 1970s, is “inspired by real events,” as per the makers. It shows Sidharth as a RAW agent, who is tasked to complete India’s “deadliest covert operation” in Pakistan. See the new look poster from Mission Majnu here:Mission Majnu is directed by Shantanu Bagchi and co-produced by Ronnie Screwvala, Amar Butala and Garima Mehta. The teaser was unveiled a week ago and the espionage thriller promises a story that will keep you glued to the screen till the very end. The clip also introduces us to the characters of Rajit Kapur, Kumud Mishra, Parmeet Sethi, Sharib Hashmi, and Mir Sarwar.Watch the teaser of Mission Majnu here: Sidharth Malhotra, earlier this month, shared some glimpses of his look in Mission Majnu. “Ek jaanbaaz agent ki ansuni kahaani (The unsung story of a daring agent),” he captioned one poster, while for another, he wrote, “Kya aap iss Majnu se milne ke liye taiyaar hain (are you ready to meet this Majnu)?” Mission Majnu was the first Hindi film signed by Rashmika Mandanna and was announced as her Bollywood debut. However, the actress made her acting debut in the Hindi film industry with Amitabh Bachchan’s Goodbye this year.Featured Video Of The DayRanveer Singh To NDTV On Deepika Padukone Unveiling FIFA Trophy: “Proud As A Husband And As An Indian”
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