This image was shared by Mira Rajput. (courtesy: mira.kapoor)New Delhi: To mark daughter Misha Kapoor’s sixth birthday, Mira Rajput shared an adorable post on Instagram. Mira shared a throwback picture from a time just before she gave birth to daughter Misha Kapoor in 2016. The picture is a selfie taken by Mira’s husband and actor Shahid Kapoor, who is seen making a quirky face, while pregnant Mira looks exhausted. Her caption read, “6 years ago, that night, this moment… Can you come out already? And then the best thing ever.” Mira’s post caught her brother-in-law and actor Ishaan Khatter’s attention, who dropped many hearts in the post’s comments section. Actor Kiara Advani too commented on the post, which read, “Awwww Happy Happy Birthday” with a heart.See post:Mira shared a similar post to mark Misha Kapoor’s fourth birthday in 2020. In the throwback picture, Mira was seen posing in the same outfit from the same evening. Her caption read, “Throwback to the day before I popped #4yearsagotoday. I can understand the belly getting bigger, but what’s with the nose getting huge?”See post:Mira Rajput often shares posts on social media, keeping her fans updated. Just a few weeks ago, Mira had shared a picture of herself with Misha Kapoor. In the picture, the two were seen relaxing in a pool. She captioned it, “Virgo Girls” with the hashtag, Don’t Mess With Us.Check out her post:Mira Rajput and Shahid Kapoor were married in 2015. The couple welcomed daughter Misha Kapoor in 2016 and son Zayn Kapoor in 2018.
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