Strange IndiaStrange India

MG Motor India sold 3,241 units in September 2021.New Delhi: MG Motor India on Saturday said its retail sales increased by 17 per cent to 3,808 units in September.The automaker had sold 3,241 units in September 2021.”The waiting period continues to be 3-6 months across models impacted by supply chain constraints,” MG Motor said in a statement.The company stated that its models like Gloster, ZS EV, Hector and Astor continue to do well in the market.”However, the semiconductor availability issue persists, limiting MG to supply only the Astor MT (manual transmission) model for the time being,” it added.  The company is hopeful about commencing deliveries of the Astor automatic variants soon, it noted. (This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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