The Meghalaya government on Monday decided to regulate entry into the state. (File)Guwahati: Meghalaya has detected its first five cases of the Omicron variant, three of which are from Shillong, while the remaining two are from the RiBhoi district, health authorities said on Tuesday.”Two are from Saiden, one from Langkyrding. One each are from Happy Valley and Laitumkhrah,” an official from Health department said.All three people who tested positive for Omicron in Shillong are returnees from outside the state, while the positive Omicron case detected in Shillong’s Langkyrding is a tourist from Assam.The Meghalaya government on Monday decided to regulate entry into the state, while also imposing certain other restrictions from January 5, to prevent an outbreak of the Omicron variant of coronavirus.After chairing a review meeting on the state’s COVID-19 situation, Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma said, “Keeping in mind the economic activities of the people, and aiming to ensure that we impact the economic activities to the bare minimum, the government has decided to come up with some restrictions in the next few days in the state of Meghalaya.””Apart from double vaccination, you will require a 72-hour certificate of a Covid test and if not, you will be tested at the state’s entry points,” he added, regarding Meghalaya’s new entry requirements. He explained that these measures aimed to ensure all precautions are taken when people travel into the state.In regards to additional restrictions, Mr Sangma said that gatherings will soon be banned, the movement of vehicles will be restricted, and night curfew will also be imposed in the state.”All these restrictions will start from January 5,” he noted, adding that there will be a few more restrictions issued by the Meghalaya government in the coming days.
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