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Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the 77th episode of “Mann Ki Baat”. (File)New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the 77th episode of his monthly radio programme “Mann Ki Baat” talked about the two cyclones — Cyclone Tauktae and Cyclone Yaas — that have affected the country in recent days and said he “salutes” those who have taken part in rescue and relief efforts during the disasters.The programme is being broadcast on the All India Radio and Doordarshan and also on the AIR News website and newsonair Mobile App. The radio programme comes on the day when PM Modi-led BJP government at the centre completes 7 years in power.Here are the Highlights from PM Modi’s Mann Ki Baat: A tribute to the hardworking farmers of India, who have played a key role in feeding the nation during these times of COVID-19. The farmers have produced record production even in the middle of a pandemic. At many places, farmers have got more price than the MSP for mustard. PM Modi talks to Prakash Kandpal, a lab technician in Delhi. Many frontline workers are engaged in the work of sample collection. Going among infected patients, taking their samples… they have to wear PPE kits, even in such hot weather.In the beginning of the pandemic, there was only one testing lab in the country, but today more than 2,500 labs are working.Initially, a few hundred tests could be done in a day, now more than 20 lakh Covid tests are being conducted in a day. Till now, more than 33 crore samples have been tested in the country. Our frontline workers have played a remarkable role in fighting COVID-19. During normal times, India used to produce 900 metric tonnes of Liquid Medical Oxygen in a day. Now it has increased more than 10 times, about 9,500 metric tonnes is being produced every day. During second wave of COVID-19, a major challenge was to supply medical oxygen to remote areas. To counter challenges that the country faced, drivers of Cryogenic oxygen tankers helped by working on war footing and saved lives of lakhs of people. On Mann Ki Baat, Group Captain Patnaik shares his experiences on being involved in fight against COVID-19, especially helping people with oxygen supplies as a part of the efforts of the Air Force. This fight (against COVID-19) is so big that like Railways, our country is working through all three routes, water, land, sky (Navy, Army and Air Force). Work of transporting empty tankers to oxygen plants by Air Force planes is being done, while the work of making new oxygen plants is also being completed.We have seen how doctors, nurses have left everything and have been working effortlessly to save people. In such challenging times, the Indian Railways has also come forward to ease the transportation of oxygen. An oxygen express train is run entirely by women. Every woman of the country will be proud of this.PM Modi speaks to Sireesha, who works for the women-run Oxygen Express. PM Modi talks to Dinesh Upadhyay from Jaunpur in Uttar Pradesh, who ferries liquid oxygen tankers to hospitals. PM Modi says India has been fighting COVID-19 but at the same time, the nation has witnessed a few natural disasters too. “In the last ten days the western and eastern coast saw two cyclones.” My thoughts are with those affected due to the recent cyclones.Centre, states and local administration are working together in the relief efforts, he said.

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