Mangaluru, Karnataka: The accused in the Mangaluru autorickshaw blast was “inspired by ISIS terror group” and used dark web to contact his handlers, the police said today, claiming a big breakthrough in the case. Karnataka top cop Alok Kumar said Shareeq worked under multiple handlers, one of them from Al Hind, a terror outfit influenced by ISIS.”Shareeq’s immediate handler was Arafat Ali, an accused in two cases. He was in touch with Mussavir Hussain who is an accused in Al-Hind module case. Abdul Matin Taha was one of the main handler of Shareeq. Another 2-3 handlers also worked with Shareeq but they are yet to be identified,” Mr Kumar said.”We have formed five different teams & they’re working on it. Four locations in Thirthahalli town of Shivamogga district and one place in Mangaluru city were searched this morning. Yesterday two places were searched. So, we have searched seven places and seized some electronic devices,” he said.Featured Video Of The DayVicky Kaushal, Bhumi Pednekar And Kiara Advani’s Work Diaries
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