The accused was produced in a city court and sent into judicial custody. (Representational)Gurugram: A 42-year-old man was arrested for allegedly trying to rape a teenage girl after taking her inside his house on pretext of some pooja, police said on Monday.”The accused was produced in a city court and sent into judicial custody,” said Inspector Amit Kumar, SHO, Sector 53 Police Station.According to the police, the accused has been identified as Nanha Pandit, a native of Uttar Pradesh, and lives in Wazirabad village here.According to the complaint filed by the mother of 14-year-old victim, the incident happened Sunday afternoon when the accused took her daughter with him on the pretext of some pooja and tried to rape her at his house.”My daughter was brave, who raised the alarm and forced him to flee. Soon after, people gathered there and my daughter told them about the entire incident. I then moved to the police,” the mother said.Following the complaint, an FIR was registered against the accused under Section 8 of POCSO Act at Sector 53 Police Station.(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)Featured Video Of The Day”Huge Blow”: Delhi Rape-Murder Victim’s Parents After Court Frees Accused
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