The Central Board of Direct Taxes Chairperson Sangeeta Singh on Tuesday said that an issue relating to the search functionality and non-accessibility of the e-filing website has come to its notice. “The Income Tax Department is seized of the matter. Infosys has been directed to look into it and Infosys has confirmed that they are resolving the issue on priority,” assured CBDT Chairperson Sangeeta Singh while adding that there no breach of data happened.”Her remarks came on the sidelines of the release of an e-book titled “Pratidhwani” today at an event organized by the Income Tax Department in New Delhi as part of Iconic Week of the Ministry of Finance.Singh said, “We are seized of the matter, glitches of non-accesbility on the tax portal happened and we immediately asked Infosys to look into the concerns. Infosys has been informed and Infosys is continuously checking. Some glitches got corrected in an hour, the preliminary verification report from Infosys is that there is no breach of data has happened.”Responding to a question on virtual digital assets, the chairperson said, “We are working on the FAQs for clarity on cryptos, and we will release it before July 1.”Earlier, BJP MP Bhagwat Kishanrao Karad released the e-book “Pratidhwani” as part of the Iconic Week of the Ministry of Finance. Karad, while releasing “Pratidhwani”, complimented the Income Tax Department in having transformed itself into a service-oriented organization while achieving a high revenue collection despite the difficulties posed by the pandemic.”While quoting from Chanakya’s “Arthashastra”, he underlined the philosophy of ‘Kosh, Mulo, Dandah’ and reiterated that revenue is the backbone of the economy. He also remarked that the Department has been able to reinvent itself by embracing positive changes to be able to deliver quality and time-bound services to the taxpayers, which include the introduction of the Annual Information System (AIS), and instant allotment of PAN (e-PAN) and Faceless Assessment.He lauded the Department for its achievements in instituting an effective, transparent and fair tax administration, resulting in revenue collection marked by sustainable growth and efficient taxpayer services.The Chairperson, CBDT, Sangeeta Singh, in her welcome address recalled how the Income Tax Department has served the Nation and how the taxpayers have contributed to nation-building. She also stated that the Department has been and will continue to engage with taxpayers constructively and communicate effectively for building trust with the taxpayers.
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