Strange IndiaStrange India

Infosys has said it is moving its business out of RussiaBENGALURU: Infosys Ltd said on Wednesday it is moving its business out of Russia and is pursuing alternate options against the backdrop of the Ukraine conflict.Several other global IT and software players including Oracle Corp and SAP SE have either suspended or paused all operations in Russia.”Seeing the situation we have started the transition of our business and all of our work from the centres from Russia to outside Russia,” Infosys CEO and Managing Director Salil Parekh said while replying to a question on the impact of the Russia-Ukraine crisis on the company’s business in Russia.Mr Parekh, who was speaking to media after declaring the company’s March quarter financial results, said Infosys has less than 100 employees in Russia.”We don’t have clients in Russia. The work we do in Russia is for the global clients, which we have started a transition. At this stage we have no impact on our business from an Infosys perspective,” he said.However, he said the company is very concerned about the development in the region. “We are very concerned about what’s going on, on the ground,” Mr Parekh said.He said the company would help its employees in Russia to relocate and work in other geographies, especially in East Europe.

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