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Care-providing facilities for disabled children are important social investments. Building and running
affordable facilities must a priority for society, says

Lakshmi K.

01 August 2003

Children provide hope to live and in most families, they also provide old-age
security. They contribute companionship in our lives, emotional and even
financial assistance in our old age. But do we stop and ponder as to what happens
when a special child is born into a family? While our educational system turns out a
large number of highly qualified people, it is not geared to provide any
awareness in the terms of the special population. The result is that the parents
may be brilliant software engineers, but are at a loss to understand the basics
in disabilities.

The outcome of this is despair, agony, loneliness and hopelessness. The parents
then begin the journey of exploring the various facets involved in the field of
disabilities. They plan for their own old-age and for their children. Emotionally,
the parents resign themselves to not receive any support from their
children. The coping mechanism of these parents is put to severe test and people
who are physically strong and mentally flexible try and adapt to the
circumstances. The parents themselves may have adjustment problems and this can
lead to serious disagreements within the family.

In a society with hardly any support in terms of respite-care or adequate
facilities for these children, the parents have to continually wage a war to go
through simple activities of day-to-day living, say teaching their child to even
brush his/her teeth. Life becomes a continuous struggle, not only for the
child, but also for the parents. As of today, few facilities are available in major
cities for early intervention, schooling and vocational guidance. Even then, the
onus of responsibility lies on the parents. One of the parents (most often the mother)
is always expected to be in complete charge of the child or employ a care-taker.
But how many parents can afford such services?

Typically, the mother gives up her job and career irrespective of her
qualifications and has to handle the situation. I know a woman with a Ph.D in
Mathematics, and another with an MBA degree give up their jobs. One took a
course in B.Ed in Special Education. As it is, the mother undergoes a lot of
emotional turmoil and on top of it, the family and society expects her to rise
to the occasion and take on the challenges without any support services. A
mother of a special child undergoes a lot of guilt herself, and the society
sometimes puts the blame on her. Her physical and mental health is completely
ignored. Her life takes a lot of twists and turns for which she is completely
unprepared. Even a simple thing like good night’s sleep eludes her for years as
special children can be demanding even at nights even in their twenties. She has
to handle her child’s temper-tantrums, possible medical conditions, daily
routine like bathing, feeding and sleeping, find sources of entertainment like
sports, movies or walks. At the same time, her obligations and responsibilities
towards to other members of the family continue.

As the children grow up, the nagging fear of the future pushes one to the edge.
No doubt, fathers as well go through emotional turmoil, but how many of them have
to give up their careers in their prime, and resign themselves to care-providing
for their entire lives without any respite?

It is most important that long-term care providing facilities take parents into confidence and are available within the same town where parents live.

There is a crying need for affordable facilities offering permanent rehabilitation
programmes. I, as a parent of two special children and a special educator myself,
demand of the society to provide parents like me facilities that other parents take for
granted for the taxes we pay and our contribution towards the society.
Integrated schools for special children, access to play-grounds, human
interaction and support services, places to go to work and yes, invitations to
parties/weddings. Frustration over getting isolated affects special population
just as it would the “normal”. Long term humane care is as much the society’s
responsibility as it is the family’s.

Most schools do not admit children with mental disabilities. Is this legal? I do
not know, and wonder how many of us do know. This is detrimental to the society
at large since we, the “normal” people, are completely insulated from mental
disability and unprepared for any such reality in our own homes. Most people are
in fact afraid of special people and do not even sit next to them in buses or
trains. At best, we acknowledge their existence condescendingly and maybe some
celebrity or the other donates huge chunks of money towards this cause. How much
of this money really provides facilities towards these individuals is not clear.
I have seen a facility where there were several sewing machines lying unused.

Rather than setting up separate schools for children with mental disabilities,
it is necessary that our existing schools have special sections. This will
change our attitudes towards special population, reduce our fear of them, and at
the same time, the special population will lead integrated lives.

Most parents do not want to “dump” their children in some facility or the other.
They would very much like to participate in their children’s lives like other
parents. If professional and reliable respite-care services like taking
for movies, sports or other pleasurable activities are made available, then
parents can relax a couple of hours everyday or at least a week. Assistance in
day-to-day activities will greatly reduce the stress as well. Even for better-off
families that can employ a person to do the chores, without any training, the
employee ends up essentially spoon-feeding the individual rather than conditioning
him/her towards self-help. Reliability is also compromised in such situations. So,
respite-care services can provide greatly towards the health of these families.

Integrated work places for special people will also normalize their lives.
Typically, a person interacts with the society at several levels. There is the
home, the commute to work/school and back, the work/learning place and
pleasurable/relaxation activities, typically in the evening. This healthy level
of human-interaction is denied to special population (and their parents) which is
an unnecessary source of frustration. Special people with varying levels of
abilities should be integrated in work places or special work places (like
packing) can be set up.

It is incorrectly believed that since India has a high level of unemployment,
work opportunities for special population is unrealistic. To the contrary,
care-providing and training for special population provides professional
opportunities for the able. A major public-sector insurance company has schemes
for long term financial support for special population, but this is not well known.
Private financial agencies can also provide options to parents to invest for
their children.

Huge rehabilitation facilities need not be the answer. Some
of the existing facilities are very huge, and hence parents are not confident of
the quality of care. Large numbers of rehabilitation
facilities are needed. Small group homes can provide humane care in the long run.
Also at present, even facilities which receive public subsidies are very expensive
(on an average 15 lakhs rupees) for most parents. In addition, the parents may lose
say in their children’s care and hence are wary of these facilities. I know a woman
in her seventies, who takes care of her
special son in his forties (this includes shaving and bathing him) ignoring her
own health. It is most important that long-term care providing facilities take
parents into confidence and are available within the same town where parents
live. Again, instead of segregated homes, group-homes in integrated set-up like
flats are healthier for the society.

The media can provide information for families with special members. While
there are research institutions in the field of special populations in almost all
the major cities of India, information on medical and social needs for the
special population in popular writings are unavailable. Without the media’s
support, the regular schools or housing colonies are not going to open special
sections or flats for group-homes. We will become aware of where and how the
existing facilities and good examples are run. We will not know whether these
facilities require their residents to undergo sterilizations (hysterectomies
for women). Media can do a lot for us.

Even if we are insulated from the special population at present, we have to
realize that in the future we may have members with mental disabilities in our
own families, or we may ourselves lose vital faculties. Care-providing facilities
are important social investments.

Lakshmi K. works as a special educator in Niraj Public High
School, Hyderabad.

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