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Most people do blogging. But if they don’t get results, they become detractors. To motivate you in such a situation, we have written this article in particular. By reading this, you will know how to overcome blogging divisiveness and how to stay motivated only. A few days ago, I was talking on the phone and blogging blogger, and he was telling me he was worried about the motive for blogging.

Some of the lines of a conversation I had on the phone were as follows. (I will use Mist X instead of his name.) • Me: What happened? Why are you so pissed off? • Mr. X: Harsh, I have been working on my blog for months, and this is my 4th blog, and probably the last one. I still get 100 unpleasant views, and people only comment on backlinks. • Me: Why did you start blogging? • Mr. X: I loved blogging, and it was my passion. I have been blogging for four years, and when people read my posts and follow me, I feel good. The second reason was money.


Right now, this is not a big reason, but in time, it will be banned as a big reason in my career. • Me: how do you track people on social media? • Umlazi X: for many bloggers and online advertisers. • Me: How do you feel when people talk about their success stories on Facebook and Twitter? • Mr. X: Some of them encourage me, and others push me down. People who started with me but are doing well now are driving me down, but when I was talking to tailor X, I already knew the problem. This is the most common face blogging experience for most bloggers. I also encountered this stage in the early days of my blogging career. After this, I shared some of my experiences with Mist X and shared some tips. I would say that most of you (especially bloggers who are diviners) are dealing with this issue.

How to motivate yourself for blogging, when you are feeling demotivated? 1

If yes, then you will have to take some action now, or else you will fail like most Startups, and you will stop blogging. In this article, I will share with you some tips that will get your motivation back on the blog. Restoring the Motive for Blogging First blog yourself, and then for others. You should hear more about your readers’ writing. Although this is a good thing, and you should do it to build an audience for your blog, but first, you have to write it yourself. Another common practice for many bloggers is that they copy the blogging style of others. Your blog is your private space, and it puts your identity in front of people.

How to motivate yourself for blogging, when you are feeling demotivated? 2

You may not get thousands of followers, be it a day, a month, or a year, but if your blog works for one person, then writing that is a success. Just stay in your niche, and write down all the things related to that niche you feel like. The biggest misconception about blogging is that it comes down to blogging when you no longer have anything to write about, you have written it all. But this is not true at all. The fact is that every day, a new Internet user is born, and your blog may be one of the first websites to be seen by a new user. 


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