Strange India All Strange Things About India and worldStrange India All Strange Things About India and world

When I was younger, I remember how my mother brought the entire children encyclopedia for me so that I could gain knowledge about space and do certain activities. I remember stumbling upon a book that said making things. I went through the book and came across a way to make a fortune teller. I was fascinated by the fact that I was able to make it and when I showed it to my friends; they thought that it was cool and strange. I decided to make this hub so that parents are able to share this experience with their kids and to make it into a fun family activity that could leave your kid in awe and amazement.

Supplies needed:

Table of Contents

A piece of construction paper


A pen or pencil


Step One: Make a square piece of paper. Start by, folding one corner of a piece of paper over to the adjacent side.

Step Two: You finish making the square by cutting off the small rectangle, forming a square, which was already folded into a triangle.

Step Three: Fold two opposite endsof the triangle together to form a smaller triangle

Step Four: Open the paper up

Step Five: Fold the corners into the central point of the square. Continue to do this with the other three corners. You should have a square.

Step Six: Flip the paper over. Fold a corner to the center. Continue to do this with the remaining three corners. You should have a smaller square.

Step Seven: Fold the square in half. Unfold and fold in half the other way

Step Eight: Unfold and pull the four ends together, making a diamond like shape. Pick up each of the four square flaps and put your fingers inside. You will be able to move the four parts around.

Step Nine: write any four colors on the four flaps and flip it over and write 8 numbers on the triangular flaps.

Step Ten: Write 8 fortunes inside of the flap such as yes, no, maybe, try again, you will be rich, you will have a good day today, etc.

Step Eleven: Have someone choose one of the four colors. Spell that color out, while moving the fortune teller in and out. Then have the person choose a number and move the fortune teller in and out; the number of times of whatever number was chosen. Then have the person choose one of the visible numbers, open the flap and read their fortune.


Overall, I hope that this hub has helped in reliving any childhood memories that you might have in making fortune tellers or even just participating in crafts. I feel that building a fortune teller with your child can help them to express themselves creatively and to build their self-esteem about being able to accomplish more things in the future. This could help your child to want to write more, read more, participate in sports, etc. all because you helped give them the confidence and ability to create what they want and what they liked.


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