As hard as it is to believe, a lot of people still smoke cigarettes—nearly 30 million people in this country alone. Aside from the well-proven health impact, smoking also has a long list of unattractive physical effects, like yellow stains on your skin and hair, marks on your clothing, the delightful skin condition known as “smoker’s face,” lower bank accounts, and, of course, the overpowering smell.
It’s bad enough when you’re in a public space and have to breathe in someone’s secondhand smoke. What’s worse is how the impact of someone else’s smoking habit can affect you long after they’re gone through the magic of thirdhand smoke, which gets embedded in just about everything. If you’re a non-smoker and you move into a house previously occupied by a smoker, you’ll know immediately. The smell, stains, and general sense of unhealthiness will be pretty obvious—and gross.
But you don’t have to live with the ghosts of smokers past. Here’s how to effectively clean your new home to erase the effects of thirdhand smoke.
Table of Contents
Before doing anything, open up the house. Open windows and doors and let the fresh air come in. Run some fans. Airing out the house won’t eliminate the stench, but it will give you the most promising starting point.
Then, throw out as much as you can. If you bought the place and have some budget, replacing carpets, appliances, and your air conditioning is the easiest way to get that stink out of there.
If that’s not an option, however, you can apply good old-fashioned elbow grease to deal with the worst of it. Grab a soot sponge and a bottle of tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) (the stuff the Red Cross recommends for getting fire smoke out of your home) and clean:
- Walls. The walls in a house are porous enough to absorb smoke, and painting over them (even using a high-quality sealer) won’t be good enough unless you scrub them down. Use the soot sponge first, then clean again with a mild detergent.
- Floors. Hard floor surfaces probably won’t absorb much thirdhand smoke, but ash and smoke-soaked dust can linger in crevices. Clean thoroughly, and vacuum a lot with a vacuum that comes with a HEPA filter.
- Ceilings. Ceilings can be particularly bad, because cigarette smoke rises. Scrub with the soot sponge, then clean a second time.
- Windows. Windows won’t absorb smoke, but they can develop a film that makes them dingy and helps the smell linger, so giving them a good scrub is necessary.
- Curtains and drapes. Replace these if at all possible, because they are perfect collectors of smoke. If you absolutely have to salvage them, you can run them through the laundry using vinegar instead of detergent.
- Carpets and upholstery. You’ll be much better off replacing carpet and stinky furniture, but if you can’t, dose them with baking soda, let it sit for a few hours, then vacuum like your life depends on it. Repeat if needed, and you can do a secondary treatment with a fabric spray if there’s a mild, lingering scent.
Air conditioning and appliances
If your new, smoke-ruined home has an HVAC system, it’s going to be very, very hard to get it cleaned out. But HVAC systems are pricey, so you might need to tough it out for at least a few years. Here’s what you can do:
- Clean ducts. Thoroughly clean out the ducts, which have probably collected a film of thirdhand smoke over the years. You can hire someone to do this for about $400-500.
- Clean coils. The condenser and evaporator coils in your HVAC system do all the work of sucking heat and moisture out of your house, and they can become encrusted with thirdhand smoke residue. Cleaning them typically requires a professional, and can cost as much as $700.
- Filters. Change all the filters, everywhere. If you see a filter, change it.
Your appliances, particularly your refrigerator, will also absorb a lot of thirdhand smoke. Cleaning these appliances thoroughly will mean pulling them away from the wall and getting to areas normally hidden away where smoke residue collects, which can be challenging and might require you to hire a repair professional. Don’t forget the refrigerator coils, which can get gummed up with cigarette smoke similarly to HVAC coils—but they’re typically not that hard to clean.
Other steps
Aside from cleaning surfaces and appliances, you should consider a few other steps to clean your smoke-cursed home:
- Change light bulbs. Light bulbs can become coated with nicotine residue, which then “bakes off” every time you turn them on. They can also collect ash and dust as it floats through the air. Removing and replacing all the bulbs in your house is a good idea.
- Prime and paint. After cleaning your walls, prime them with a good odor-blocking primer and sealer. Then paint them for a fresh look that also doesn’t smell like an ashtray.
- Air purifier. For a final touch, running an air purifier for a while can help suck up any lingering thirdhand smoke, ash, or dust remaining as gifts from the previous occupant.