All-rounder Hardik Pandya has started to put in hard yards as he gets ready to lead the Gujarat Titans in the upcoming Indian Premier League (IPL) 2022 edition. Pandya is training alongside Abhinav Manohar, Darshan Nalkande, Varun Aaron and head coach Ashish Nehra, who is overseeing the preparations.”Hardik Pandya, Abhinav Manohar, Darshan Nalkande, Varun Aaron are currently training at the IPCL ground in Baroda. The camp kickstarted on February 25 and it will conclude on March 2,” sources in the know of developments told ANI.”The preparation camp for the entire team is most likely to be held in Ahmedabad,” he added.Gujarat Titans have built a young and energetic squad. Gujarat Titans have built a strong team combination at the mega-auction, with marquee players such as Mohammed Shami, Jason Roy, and Lockie Ferguson.The squad also includes the likes of Rahul Tewatia, Vijay Shankar, David Miller, Wriddhiman Saha, who will be joining the team’s draft picks – Hardik Pandya, Rashid Khan, and Shubman Gill.The IPL 2022 season will be played from March 26-May 29. A total of 70 league matches will be played across four international standard venues in Mumbai and Pune. The venue for the playoff matches will be decided later.Mumbai, Wankhede Stadium will host 20 matches while 15 matches will be played at Brabourne Stadium (CCI). DY Patil Stadium, Mumbai will host 20 matches while Pune’s MCA International Stadium will conduct 15 matches.Group A will consist of: Mumbai Indians, Delhi Capitals, Kolkata Knight Riders, Rajasthan Royals, and Lucknow Super Giants.Group B will consist of: Chennai Super Kings, Sunrises Hyderabad, Royal Challengers Bangalore, Punjab Kings, and Gujarat Titans.PromotedGujarat Titans squad: Hardik Pandya (c), Shubman Gill, Rashid Khan, Mohammed Shami, Jason Roy, Lockie Ferguson, Abhinav Sadarangani, Rahul Tewatia, Noor Ahmad, R Sai Kishore, Dominic Drakes, Jayant Yadav, Vijay Shankar, Darshan Nalkande, Yash Dayal, Alzarri Joseph, Pradeep Sangwan, David Miller, Wriddhiman Saha, Matthew Wade, Gurkeerat Singh, Varun Aaron, B Sai Sudarshan.Topics mentioned in this article
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