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As we know ‘Youtube’ is now the biggest platform to earn money by posting the video, but it is most difficult to achieve that position on youtube. 

1. Think like YouTubers.

Most of the companies say that “Don’t think about the employee point of view, think about the company point of view,  Then the only employee will grow. Think about company profit, then the only employees will grow. Like this, you should think, what youtube thinks, Try to understand it. What does each video platform want? people spend their time on it Like this  Youtube also wants, the public should spend their time on youtube. As we see, every video platform or youtube wants the viewer to spend more time, views engagement and increases Ad revenue.  And one of the side you also want the same. The best thing to achieve this is ‘content’. Your content should good for people to engage. Content should like what people should not leave your video and spend time on platform. 

2. MDH (Meta Data Helps)

Meta Deta Helps means the mean data which supports your main data. Like your title, description, thumbnail, tags, etc. Is supporting data i.e. metadata. Your content must good. Also, metadata should be good to support content and to increase the ranking of the video. Youtube itself says that “well-writing tittle can be the difference between someone watching and sharing your video or just scrolling right past it.” For e.g. you open ‘youtube’ and searching focus and concentration.” You will see many videos. People scroll down the video, so your keywords should be at the start, your thumbnail must be good so people will attract. Therefore Meta Data Helps is very important.

Eye contracting 5 point to increase watch time on youtube. 1

3. Think as an enterprise to yourself. 

Think what does the audience Like? What do the comments say? Ideas of topic etc. If you see any video, then think that video great view and likes. If you think about this thinks then only you grow like an enterprise. You will become videopreneur. 

4. Ensure long-lasting sessions.

I’ll show the statement to observe it. “Your channel also gets a boost when people watching anything anywhere on youtube. After watching your content and when you make content that makes people watch more from your channel. Then you’re helping us out.” As we discussed in the first topic youtube wants people should spend their time on his platform. So the above platform clears that if your video view watching the video and leave it middle than youtube technology will not favor of your video grow. If user/audience stay in the platform, spend their time, watches video then it increase session duration. That is a good sign and a positive sign. And some of the use by watching the video, find your video. And watching your video and then it is also good for youtube. It increases channel rank. It means the viewer likes your video.

5. Set a consistent schedule.

Your schedule the which video will go at watch time that should be fixed. Try to fix it. As we see the serial that is fixed at their time. Therefore your video timing also fixed.

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