Education plays a very important role in our life.It not only build our personality but also helps in building our career and mental growth.Too face the challenges of life, education is the best tool.We can bring certain changes in our society and nation with the help of education.
To give people the oppourtunity of education in an easy way, our society has declared literacy schools where those childs and females can also get education that can’t afford even the government school education.It should be compulsory for every child to get at least primary education.
In our country,there are a lot of childs that fell pray to different bad activities only due to the unawreness and this can only be overcome by giving education to our young nation.Government should take multiple steps to spread th light of education to every corner of our country so that we can play our role in progress of our nation and country.
Another reason for illitration in our society is the difference of rich and poor people.Poor people childs that are fond of education can’t afford it due to their financial position.For this type of students Govt. should offer scholorships so that no student left behind only due to the reason of finance trouble.
In last,I conculude that education is the best thing that can improve your life,your career, your nation,tour society and your personality so we should give great importance to it so that we can make our place in the race of world.
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