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Cricket South Africa logo© FacebookCricket South Africa has postponed a round of domestic games after some of the team members tested COVID-19 positive on arrival, raising fresh concerns for the India tour later this month. The BCCI will soon take a call on the tour, which is scheduled to begin with the first Test in Johannesburg from December 17. The detection of new COVID-19 variant omicron in South Africa has stoked fears around the world and cast a shadow on the India series.”Cricket South Africa can confirm that all three, Round 4, Division Two CSA 4-Day Domestic Series matches scheduled to take place between 02-05 December have been postponed,” the board said in a statement.”The competition is not being held in a Bio-Secure Environment (BSE) and in the last couple of days, some positive COVID-19 test results have emerged following team pre-arrival testing sessions.”Activating the precautionary and preventative measures stipulated in the organisation”s COVID-19 protocols to ensure the health, safety and well-being of all involved is a top priority for CSA.”The India series, if it takes place, will be held in a strict bio-secure environment. “CSA is monitoring the situation closely and a decision regarding the remainder of the fixtures this year will be made in due course as it develops.Promoted”In addition, the CSA B-section 3-Day and 1-Day matches featuring Northerns and Easterns set for the same weekend have also been postponed until 2022,” the CSA added.(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)Topics mentioned in this article

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