Anand Mahindra keeps sharing interesting and informative tweets on his handle.Industrialist Anand Mahindra has posted the photo of a Scorpio N, the company’s latest offering, which a user got painted in a new colour scheme. According to his tweet, the satin black Scorpio N is owned by Arun Panwar and modified by a Delhi-based bodywork shop. Posted shortly before 1pm, the tweet has already been liked by nearly 800 users and the number of rising by the minute. Mr Mahindra is known for his quirky and informative tweets in which he shares life goals and other things with his followers.”All I can say is WOW! I’m fond of my own #ScorpioN ‘Lal Bheem’ but I have to admit that I now have strong feelings of envy. It’s the closest thing to a Batmobile. Bravo to owner Arun Panwar & Delhi based Wrapaholix for creating this Napoli Black,satin matt finish,” the Mahindra Group chairman said in the tweet.All I can say is WOW! I’m fond of my own #ScorpioN ‘Lal Bheem’ but I have to admit that I now have strong feelings of envy. It’s the closest thing to a Batmobile. Bravo to owner Arun Panwar & Delhi based Wrapaholix for creating this Napoli Black,satin matt finish.— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) November 1, 2022He also posted the screenshot of the news article that shows the satin black painted Scorpio N.Twitter users were impressed by the new colour scheme and gave it a thumbs up. “This one looks quite slick,” tweeted one user. “It’s super cool sir….black hunk,” said another.The Scorpio N was launched in June this year at a starting price of Rs. 11.99 Lakh (ex-Showroom). The car tops out at Rs 19.49 lakh.The Scorpio remains an iconic nameplate in the SUV segment and the latest iteration aims to keep things as authentic as possible with a rugged stance, butch proportions and an all-new design language.The new Mahindra Scorpio-N will co-exist with the current generation Scorpio, which has been rebranded as Scorpio Classic.Click for more trending newsFeatured Video Of The Day”Respect Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity”: India’s Message At Regional SCO Summit
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