Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed sorrow at the death of Shinzo Abe. (File)Kolkata: Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed shock on Saturday at the assassination of Shinzo Abe, saying the “relational depth” between West Bengal and Japan was personified by the former prime minister.Shinzo Abe, 67, died after being shot while giving a campaign speech in Nara city in western Japan on Friday morning.”His dastardly assassination brings us immense pain. He not only cemented the relation between India & Japan but also had a special connection with Bengal. May the noble soul rest in peace,” Mamata Banerjee tweeted.In a communication to Nakagawa Koichi, the consul general of Japan in Kolkata, Mamata Banerjee said West Bengal has excellent trade, industrial and cultural relations with Japan, and the “relational depth was personified by the much beloved leader Shinzo Abe”.(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
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