Brahmastra poster. (courtesy: ayan_mukerji)New Delhi: Ayan Mukerji’s Brahmastra, starring Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor and Amitabh Bachchan, showed a growth of 15 per cent on its second day of release (Saturday), as per Box Office India (BOI) report. According to a report in BOI, Brahmastra collected around 35.50 crore in Hindi version on the second day, taking the total to 66.50 crore in two days. On its first day (Friday), Brahmastra collected Rs 31 crore in Hindi version while about Rs 4.5 crore in other regional languages. Its all-India day one total stands at Rs 35.75 crore, which is the highest opening day in history on a non-holiday for an original Hindi film, as per Box Office India. The film, also starring Nagarjuna, Shah Rukh Khan and Mouni Roy, has set an all-time record at PVR and Cinepolis chains for Hindi films for the highest single days ever, as per Box Office India. Filmmaker Ayan Mukerji also shared a post on his Instagram handle, announcing the worldwide two-day collection of the film, which stands at Rs 160 Crore. Sharing the post, he wrote, “Brahmastra 2-Days Box Office There is no Brahmastra greater than love in this world. Thank you to all our audiences, for spreading Love and Light in Cinemas this weekend!” followed by a heart emoticon. Soon after he shared the post on Instagram, fans flooded the comment section. A user wrote, “well deserved,” “Deserves. Gives so much happiness,” wrote another. A fan wrote, “Best wishes for the upcoming days!”Take a look at Ayan’s post: On Saturday, Ayan Mukerji shared the first-day collection report on his Instagram handle and wrote, “BRAHMASTRA DAY 1 Gratitude. Excitement. Hope. A Big Thank You to Everyone Everywhere who has gone to the Cinemas to experience Brahmastra, keeping our movie-going culture, vibrant and dynamic. Looking forward to the next few days…”. Check out the post below: Helmed by Ayan Mukerji and produced by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions, Brahmastra was released on September 9.
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