Balenciaga’s destroyed sneakers have a price range of $495 to $1,850.Balenciaga, one of the famous luxury brands, is making headlines for its “fully destroyed” sneakers. The shoes were launched under its “Paris Sneaker” collection. Sold in two styles – high-top, and backless mule – the destroyed sneakers have a price range of $495 (approx Rs 38,000) to $1,850 (roughly Rs 1.44 lakh). And guess what, the more damaged the shoe, the higher is the price. You will have to spend the most on shoes that are more slashed, scratched, and dirty. The limited-edition shoes – only 100 pairs available – are part of a new campaign by Balenciaga which suggests these “sneakers are meant to be worn for a lifetime.” “A retooled classic design interprets mid-century athleticism and timeless casual wear in black, white, or red, with a white rubber sole and toe. It is finished with distressed canvas and rough edges, affecting a pre-worn look. A dedicated campaign shows the shoes extremely worn, marked up, and dirtied,” read the introduction of the new range on Balenciaga’s official website. Well, we don’t know about you but Twitter users are unable to keep calm after looking at Balenciaga’s latest collection.“Would you wear these?” was the sentiment on the social media platform. Balenciaga’s New “Fully Destroyed” Shoe Set????x R36 000 per pair????Would you wear these?— claztik???? (@claztik17) May 11, 2022These Balenciaga distressed sneakers were launched on Monday, May 10 and it goes for $1,850.Would you rock this?— Lisa Dankwa (@lisathecorpora1) May 11, 2022Taking a dig at the luxury brand, a user shared a picture of a rusty barbie doll and wrote, “Nueva Barbie Balenciaga.”Nueva Barbie Balenciaga— Zorrito Zorrales (@ZorritoZorrales) May 9, 2022For a few, this is the “worst sneaker” ever. Alright, this is the worst sneaker I’ve seen today… Balenciaga has to be trollin— Seth Fowler (@RealSethFowler) May 9, 2022Another user shared a postcard featuring the limited-edition “Paris Sneaker” and just introduced the footwear to the world. New Balenciaga “Paris” Footwear— Hermaine M (@HermaineM) May 11, 2022“Tag someone that deserves these new Balenciaga shoes,” read a comment.Tag someone that deserves these new Balenciaga shoes— Educated Hoodlum???????? (@thathoodlumgirl) May 11, 2022Meanwhile, a user said that whosoever buys “Balenciaga needs to needs to go see the therapist.”Anyone who buys Balenciaga needs to go see the therapist— Shabib Siddiqui ???????????? (@shabibazam) May 10, 2022The latest pair of sneakers are available worldwide via for more trending news
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