MacBook Air revamp with a colourful design and Apple’s M2 chip is tipped to launch in the first half of 2022. Apple is currently said to be testing multiple prototypes of its next-generation MacBook Air. One of the major changes the new MacBook is expected to deliver over its existing version is an enhanced performance, thanks to the new M-series chip. However, Apple would also offer a new look and feel, with the introduction of new colours. The Cupertino giant is also expected to bring a new low-end MacBook Pro and an all-new Mac Pro in 2022.A tipster who is available on Twitter with a username @dylandkt has reported that the Apple M2 SoC is on track to debut in the first half of 2022 alongside the colourful MacBook Air. The new MacBook Air model is said to have the same colour options that Apple introduced on its new iMac in April. This suggests that the MacBook Air in 2022 could feature Green, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Purple, Blue, and Silver colours.On the M2 chip, the tipster claimed that it would be built on the same foundation of Apple’s next-generation A15 and come with next-generation performance. Apple brought its M1 chip as a part of its silicon transition last year. The company is also rumoured to have an extension to the M1 chip in the works that could debut as the M1X later this year.In May, Mark Gurman of Bloomberg reported that Apple would introduce its higher-end, redesigned MacBook Air by as early as the end of 2021 that would include the successor to its M1 processor. The chip is codenamed Staten and is said to have faster computing cores over what Apple offered on the M1 earlier. The number of cores would remain the same, though.Apart from the new chip and the extensive list of colour options, other details about the MacBook Air are yet to be reported. Nevertheless, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo recently suggested that Apple may use mini-LED displays on its MacBook Air models in 2022. It is, however, unclear whether the new display tech be limited to high-end models or available across the new MacBook Air lineup.
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