Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma is possibly one of the few celebrities who is always candid on social media. If you scroll through her Instagram, you will find the actor shares posts and stories featuring slices of her daily life. Be it her dates with her husband, Virat Kohli, or the time she spends on sets – Anushka shares glimpses of it on the photo-sharing app. But what we enjoy the most are her food stories. ‘Sultan’ actor is an ardent foodie who loves to try different types of cuisine worldwide. We have seen her enjoying croissants in Paris, cookies in England and more.However, what Anushka loves the most is a soulful desi meal. Wonder how we know that? We suggest you check her latest Insta-story to find the answer. The actor recently took to Instagram to share a glimpse of the first meal she enjoyed after coming back from the United Kingdom. For the unversed, Anushka has been staying in the UK for her upcoming film ‘Chakda Xpress’.Any guesses what she devoured? Let us spill the beans for you. Anushka enjoyed a delicious Sadya platter that included rice, sambhar, pachadi, tamarind rice, lemon rice and more. “Just what one needed after a long trip in Videsh!” she captioned the picture. Take a look:Also Read: Anushka Sharma’s ‘Healthy’ Delight Is Making Us Crave This Dessert; See PicPhoto Credit: InstagramLooks delicious; isn’t it? We are totally drooling over Anushka’s soulful meal. What about you? Do share your thoughts in the comments below.On the work front, Anushka Sharma’s upcoming film ‘Chakda Xpress’ is all set for an OTT release, next year (2023). The film is based on the story of Indian woman cricketer Jhulan Goswami.
About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.
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