Anand Mahindra posted yet another tweet that went viral on social media.Businessman Anand Mahindra has once again shared a post that is making waves on social media. And like all his other posts, the latest one also has a message for his followers – to think out of the box. Mr Mahindra is known for his quirky social media posts in which he shares interesting videos and talks about life goals.His latest post has an image of popular game tic-tac-toe on a coffee mug, which has a message “Think Outside The Box”. In the accompanying tweet, Mr Mahindra said, “I’m going to get this mug. Clever. The solution to a problem often lies by joining the dots with something OUTSIDE your own ecosystem.”I’m going to get this mug. Clever. The solution to a problem often lies by joining the dots with something OUTSIDE your own ecosystem…— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) August 10, 2022In just an hour, the tweet amassed more than 2,500 likes over 200 retweets. and Twitter users were impressed by the solution offered in the now viral picture and posted their own versions of “out of the box” solutions.Checkmate!— Saurabh Joshi (@Saurabh43272885) August 10, 2022″Literally out of the box,” tweeted a user. “Very nice thought,” said another.On Tuesday, Mr Mahindra shared the video of a boy skillfully performing acrobatics on a road in Tamil Nadu. The little kid was seen performing multiple stunts including front and back flips and even pulled off a 360-flip as onlookers watched in awe.”And after the Gold rush for India at the Commonwealth Games 2022 the next generation of talent is shaping up. Unsupported. We need to get this talent on the fast track,” Mr Mahindra wrote in the tweet, emphasising the need to recognise talent in the country.He further shared that the video has been sent to him by a friend who has personally witnessed the boy’s talent in a village in Tirunelveli.Click for more trending news
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