Alyssa Healy and Keshav Maharaj won ICC Player Of The Month award© AFPAustralian women’s team star keeper-batter Alyssa Healy and South African men’s side spinner Keshav Maharaj were on Monday voted the ICC’s ‘Player of the Month’ for April in their respective categories. Healy was selected the stand-out female player in April following her match-winning innings of 170 in the Women’s Cricket World Cup final in Christchurch, setting a record for the highest-ever score in the summit clash of any ICC global event.”I am very humbled to win this month’s award ahead of two outstanding players. It was great to see Janet Mbabazi’s name in the mix after a stellar tri-series for Uganda,” Healy was quoted as saying in a release issued by the ICC.”I’m looking forward to seeing her name in contention for more ICC Awards over the years to come. Thanks to all the fans for voting and supporting the women’s game. It’s been a great start to 2022 for our sport and I am looking forward to seeing what the rest of the year holds,” she added.Proteas spinner Maharaj got the award for his prolific performance with the ball during their recent ICC World Test Championship series victory over Bangladesh on home soil.The spinner proved a constant threat to the tourists, taking 16 wickets at an average of 12.12, celebrating two seven-wicket hauls in the second innings of both Tests.His wickets were significant catalysts for his side’s 2-0 series triumph, winning comfortably on both occasions — by 220 runs in Durban and 332 runs in Gqeberha.Acknowledging his award, Maharaj said: “I’m honoured and privileged to receive the ICC Player of the Month award for April and I want to thank my teammates for helping me win this award.Promoted”I am really happy with how the team has performed this past season and I hope we can build on this to reach greater heights as a unit.”(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)Topics mentioned in this article
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