Akansha shared alluring picture of Athiya Shetty. (courtesy: akansharanjankapoor)New Delhi: Athiya Shetty and Indian cricketer KL Rahul are creating a buzz on social media as they hang out together with their friend and actress Akansha Ranjan Kapoor. Akansha shared two stories on her Instagram handle featuring the lovebirds as they enjoyed their Saturday night. In the first post, Athiya looks beautiful in an off-shoulder green dress and has tied her hair into a bun. She captioned the image as “love of my life”. In the second post, KL Rahul looks dapper in a white t-shirt layered with a black jacket. The caption on the picture read, “love of my life 2”. Here have a look at the posts: Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul often leave the internet buzzing with their mushy pictures on Instagram. The couple is in the news over their rumoured wedding. However, Suniel Shetty quashed the rumours and said that it’s for them to decide. “She is a daughter, she will get married sometime. I’d want my son also to get married. The sooner the better! But it’s their choice. As far as Rahul is concerned, I love the boy. It’s for them to decide what they want to do, because times have changed. I’d like them to take the decision. My blessings are always there,” stated the PTI report.Earlier, on KL Rahul’s birthday, Athiya Shetty dropped adorable pictures and wrote, “anywhere with you, happy birthday” Meanwhile, on the work front, Athiya Shetty made her Bollywood debut with Hero in 2015. Last, she was seen in Motichoor Chaknachoor>/i> with Nawazudding Siddiqui.
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