Anand Mahindra joked that the name is “completely logical”New Delhi: Cheap replicas of popular brands often have deceptively similar names that are quite amusing at times. Industrialist Anand Mahindra has shared a picture of one such product having the branding of the sports brand Adidas, but with a funny tweak.Uploaded on Twitter by the Mahindra Group Chairman, the picture features a white shoe which looks like an Adidas footwear with its logo and the three-stripe trademark. However, upon looking closer, one can spot that Adidas has been spelt as “Ajitdas” on the counterfeit shoe.While some may find it absurd, Mr Mahindra joked that the name is “completely logical”. “It just means that Adi has a brother called Ajit. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam?” he wrote.Completely logical. It just means that Adi has a brother called Ajit. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam? ????— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) November 22, 2022The post garnered a lot of attention and prompted a flurry of reactions from users.One offered photos of similar replicas with deceptive yet hilarious— $€€£ (@deep_befriend) November 22, 2022“Sir more power to Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam as Adi has a sister too “Ada” along with brother ‘Ajit,’” a user wrote.Sir more power to Vasudhaiv kutumbkam as adi has a sister too “Ada” along with brother “Ajit” ????????— Saurabh kumar???????????????????????????????????????? (@Allthetrueindi1) November 22, 2022“We used to make fun talks during our college days. Adi & Das two Indian brothers started Adidas abroad and it has roots in India…Good to see your tweet,” a comment read.We used to make fun talks during our college days Adi & Das two Indian brothers started Adidas abroad and It has roots from India.. Good to see your tweet ????☝️— Dr LAGGANI SRINIVAS-LS (@Lagganisrinivas) November 22, 2022One user joked, “You should take a promotion fee from Ajit Das”.You should take a promotion fee from AJITDAS. ????— Hardik Oza (@Ozaemotion) November 22, 2022“I want to tell everyone, Adidas is not the real one, the real one is “ADIBAS,” a user wrote.I want to tell eveyone , Adidas is not the real one, the real one is “ADIBAS”????— Subhradeep Mondal (@subhra_SDM) November 22, 2022One seemed puzzled as he asked, “Logo also looks somewhat similar. What changes have they made?”Logo also looking some what similar! What changes they made?!— Naresh Kodigal (@nbknaresh) November 22, 2022The strategically named replica can definitely fool anyone.Dear sir, it took me for a while to notice Ajitdas. Great job done— Samrat Chattopadhyay (@SamratChattopa5) November 22, 2022Some suggested that “Ajit” is not the only brother.There are other brothers also called “abibas”????????— Jayant Golani (@jayantgolani) November 22, 2022One asserted that copies of products can never be made as good as the original.That shoes diff. of quality with the change in name because copy can never be same some change always remains ….that is here also ….— Er. Gaurav Bajpai (@PtGaurav786) November 22, 2022“Just a guy named Ajit Das creating his own brand,” a person wrote.Just a guy named Ajit das creating his own brand ????— Vinivinci (@Noisky97) November 22, 2022So, have you come across any such product?Click for more trending newsFeatured Video Of The DayShraddha Walkar Murder Case: Domestic Abuse Issue Lost In Toxic Discourse?
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