Days after criticising Babar Azam for his batting intent, Former New Zealand pacer and commentator Simon Doull was seen having a lengthy chat with the Pakistan captain. For context, during a Pakistan Super League (PSL) match between Peshawar Zalmi and Quetta Gladiators, Babar scored a century, but Doull, who was in the commentary box, criticised him for slowing his innings in order to reach the milestone. Notably, Babar scored 17 runs off 14 balls to complete his century.”Rather than putting the team first… the last little while, that’s all that been happening. Rather than looking for boundaries, still so much firepower to come. Hundreds are brilliant, stats are great, but it has to be team first,” Doull was heard as saying on-air.However, Doull was later seen having a chat with Babar during the game against Islamabad United. Notably, Babar did not play the game due to illness.Guys, Simon Doul actually went to the Babar to clear himself what he meant. Abb Bss kro do #BabarAzam #PSL08 #PZvIU— G behtar (@overthinkrsays) March 12, 2023Doull was later seen discussion about his chat with Babar with his fellow commentators, Daren Ganga and Sana Mir.”I don’t need to say what was said but it was good. Lots of respect from both sides and it was really good. He [Babar] wasn’t feeling at his best,” Doull was heard as saying on commentary.However, Mir went on to take a dig at Doull by saying: “Was it (Babar not feeling well) before the chat or after?”To this, Doull, Ganga and Mir shared a huge laugh.”I did actually let his talk at some stage too. I mean this is not about me,” Doull replied.Mir then trolled Doull by saying: “I don’t believe you.”Babar’s Zalmi will take Islamabad in the second play-off match of the PSL on March 16.Featured Video Of The DayPM Modi, Counterpart Albanese To Watch Day 1 Of India-Australia 4th Test At MoteraTopics mentioned in this article
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