Aamir Khan pictured with Kiran Rao and son Azad.New Delhi: Aamir Khan was pictured at the Mumbai airport on Thursday afternoon. The actor flew out of Mumbai along with ex-wife and filmmaker Kiran Rao and their son Azad. Aamir and Kiran happily posed for the paparazzi at the airport. Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao, married for 15 years, announced separation in a statement in July last year. The actor married Kiran Rao in 2005 and they welcomed their son Azad in 2011. Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao met on the sets of Lagaan, where Kiran was an assistant director. Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao also worked together on Laal Singh Chaddha, which Kiran Rao co-produced.Aamir Khan was previously married to Reena Dutta, with whom he has two kids – daughter Ira and son Junaid. Ira Khan hosted an engagement party last week, which was also attended by Kiran Rao. A video of Aamir Khan dancing with cousin Mansoor Khan at the ceremony went viral.Earlier this month, Aamir Khan revealed that he is taking a brief break from acting to be with family. “I feel that I want to take a break, be with my family, with my mom, my kids. I feel I have been working for 35 years and I have single-mindedly been focused on my work. I feel that it’s not fair to people who are close to me. This is the time I feel I have to take some time off to be with them, and actually experience life in a different way,” news agency ANI quoted the actor as saying.On the professional front, Aamir Khan was last seen in Laal Singh Chaddha, which released in August. Meanwhile, the actor surprised his fans with a cameo appearance in Revathy’s Salaam Venky trailer, starring Kajol in the lead role. He is also a producing a film titled Champions.
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