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Photo: HarrisonJeffs (Shutterstock)

In the wake of a mass shooting, a few things are inevitable. The national conversation about potential gun control measures will heat up and gun and ammo stocks will rise as, investors say, people seek to either protect themselves or get their hands on weapons before a possible ban. The bans seem unlikely at best, of course. Gun laws in America barely changed in the 10 years following the slaughter of 20 children and six adults in Sandy Hook, Conn., and despite the calls for political action online, they seem poised to stay static following this week’s killing of 19 children and two adults in Uvalde, Texas. That rampage itself followed a racially-motivated mass shooting in Buffalo, N.Y., by only 10 days.

So far this year, there have been 27 school shootings and more than 200 mass shootings. Each of these results in a devastating, tragic loss of life—and a fiery debate over what, if anything, can be done to prevent it all from happening again. It’s understandable to want to join that debate, so if you’re so inclined—or just want a better understanding of what people are talking about—here are some key phrases and concepts you should know.

The Second Amendment

At the heart of the debate over gun control is the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Like the First Amendment, it can be and is cited politically and socially and is widely debated. Here’s exactly what it says:

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

Those who oppose gun control measures often argue that the amendment clearly gives Americans the right to own a firearm of any kind, but things get hazy from there. Gun control proponents point out that when the Founding Fathers wrote 2A in 1791, they could never have imagined what kinds of guns they were protecting the ownership of. They had muskets with single-round magazines. We have access to weapons with high-capacity magazines and much more force. An AR-15, which is the sort of rifle used in many mass shootings, tears sections of the human body apart on bullet impact, which a musket could never do. Reporters at the scene of this week’s elementary school shooting shared that parents waiting to learn the fate of their children were asked to provide DNA to make identification of the bodies possible.

Semi-automatic and automatic guns

Semi-automatic weapons fire a single shot when the trigger is pulled. Automatic weapons fire continually as long as the trigger is held down. Semi-automatic weapons like pistols, rifles, or shotguns, can still fire quickly—the amount of bullets deployed in a span of time simply depends how fast the shooter can pull the trigger again after releasing it. An AR-15, the popular rifle mentioned above, is a semi-automatic weapon.

Some semi-automatics were deemed “assault weapons” during former President Bill Clinton’s time in office and were subsequently banned. That ban expired in 2004.

Federal law restricts the sale of fully automatic weapons. Anyone seeking one must seek a special permit from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, submitting to an extensive background check and a $200 fee. Certain states also prohibit private ownership of these weapons.

Background checks

Federal law currently requires background checks for sales by licensed gun dealers, but it does not require them for sales by unlicensed sellers. Unlicensed sellers can sell guns at trade shows or online, making background checks easy to skip for buyers. Of the 50 states, 21 require background checks and/or permits to purchase handguns, according to gun control advocacy group Everytown.

The function of background checks, where they do exist, is to identify whether someone falls into one of the categories that prohibits them from gun ownership. If they have been convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year, are a fugitive, unlawfully use controlled substances, have been adjudicated as a mental defective or have been committed to a mental institution, are an undocumented immigrant, have been dishonorably discharged from the armed forces, have renounced their prior American citizenship, or are subject to a restraining order, they cannot legally obtain or own a gun. The same goes for anyone convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence: They can’t receive, possess, ship, or transport any firearm or ammunition.

These stipulations come from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, but again, there are simple ways for gun seekers in those categories to circumvent background checks. A bill known as H.R. 8 or the Bipartisan Background Checks Act passed the House in March 2021, but has not been brought to a vote by the Senate. It would close the background check loophole, requiring them for all gun sales. Following the elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Democratic Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he has no plans to bring gun control measures to the floor, as he does not expect to garner enough Republican votes for such measures to pass.

National Rifle Association

The National Rifle Association (NRA) boasts a membership of millions. Its lobbying arm is blamed by many gun control advocates for the slow progress on gun legislation, as it donates millions to politicians, especially Republicans, and gives each elected official a letter grade for their various stances on gun control and ownership.

The NRA is a vocal proponent of individuals’ right to carry weapons. It has dubbed the AR-15 “America’s Rifle.”

Bump stocks

Since 2019, bump stocks have been banned federally. These attachments make it possible for shooters to fire semi-automatic rifles continuously with one pull of the trigger, essentially turning those weapons into automatic ones.

By March of 2019, anyone with a bump stock was expected to have destroyed it or turned it over to the government. The deadliest mass shooting in American history, which took place in Las Vegas in 2017, was carried out, in part, using weapons outfitted with bump stocks.

High-capacity magazine

In a general sense, any magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition is considered a high-capacity magazine. Nine states and Washington, D.C. have enacted laws banning these, but there are calls for these bans to extend nation-wide, with the thinking that while a ban may not stop mass shootings, it can reduce casualties while shooters stop to reload.

Mass shooting

Definitions of what a “mass shooting” is tend to vary, but the Congressional Research Service classifies it as any shooting involving four or more victims at one or more locations close to each other. The victim total should exclude the perpetrator in the event they shoot themselves. There is an argument over whether shootings that involve more than four people but in which fewer than four die count as mass shootings. Because of this sort of debate, it is hard to quantify exactly how many mass shootings take place in a given year, though when one occurs, there is often a general consensus about it. These are tracked by a number of organizations and the Gun Violence Archive describes them as “an American phenomenon” for the most part.

Regardless of differences in definition, the United States has had more mass shootings than any other developed country.

School shooting

Like much else related to gun violence, there is debate around what constitutes a school shooting. For instance, should suicides that take place in schools count? Should accidental shootings?

School shootings are loosely defined as shootings that take place in school settings and meet the criteria for a mass shooting. This week, ABC News explained school shootings and their total death tallies like this: “If a mass shooting is defined as resulting in the death of four or more people, not including the perpetrator, 169 people have died in 14 such events connected to U.S. schools and collegesfrom 1999’s Columbine High School massacre to Tuesday’s shooting in Texas. That’s according to a database compiled by The Associated Press, USA Today and Northeastern University, and to other AP reporting.”

Open carry

Open carry is the practice of carrying visible guns publicly. In 31 states, this is allowed with no license or permit. Notably, in some cases, the weapon can’t be loaded. Long guns can be openly carried in 45 states with the same restrictions on loading in some cases.

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