Hello guys in this article you will definitely lose your weight and fat by following my few simple steps and daily 5 to 10 min workouts
1) you need to work hard and never miss your workout and eat yogurt by measuring its weight best is you eat 200 gram of yogurt daily
2) don’t eat fast food and other oily things
3) go for a walk for 10 to 15 min in covid 19 you can go outside by wearing a mask and other safety precautions
4) next things is that you want a place where you can do your regular exercise
now I am telling you the exercise name that you can search in youtube to see how to do it
1) normal push-ups (12 reps)
2) diamond push-ups (12 reps)
3) sits ups (12 reps)
4) knee ups (12 reps)
5) knee to chest each leg (12 times )
6) planche for (20 sec)
7) pull-ups hold each arm ( 12 times)
8) scissors 12 times (each leg )
9) hip lift on the left side (12 times )
10) hip lift on the right side (12 times )
11) mountain climber at least 12 time
12) planche for 20 sec on last
now when you complete your workout remember one thing you need to do it on a flat surface and do this exercise for few weeks after doing this you will see some changes and do a diet plan not to eat fast food or any other oily thing and drink shakes after doing this exercise you can watch video on Viktor Mattis channel now some motivation for you guys. you can do it no one can defeat you the man you are unique even your fingerprint does not match with any other person if anyone laughs at you ignore him or her focus on your exercise and the best thing to take revenge for her or his is that when you make your abs and then said her or his now tell me who is more robust if you go to the gym to look like a perfect man so also do this exercise after the gym if you sweet no one hate you people like you because you are doing hard work and hard work is the key of success think about it when you go in the public people look at you and your body and then you proud and say to yourself I did it no one can beat your strength if you make your mind so you can do all things in your life and you will be a full success man in your life
” More you sweat more you proud ”
if you see spider he makes her cobweb it is too lite that even the air can destroyed it he will never lose he try again and again until he donot made her new cobweb so learn from spider and never lose your sentiment I make this article for those people who lose their opinion in the begining please read this article it will help you very much and also help to improve your stamina so learn and start doing this exercise don’t stop when you are tired stop when you are done stop wishing and start doing
this probarly gonna help you i am sure if you dont do anything its not happen its self so go and start doing workout and make diet plans
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