Strange IndiaStrange India

man in hat in the forest

Photo: Jo Panuwat D (Shutterstock)

You may well find ticks in your hair, but they aren’t falling from the sky.

Remember, ticks spend their time in damp leaf litter so that they don’t dehydrate. When they’re ready to snag a meal, they don’t climb too far from the ground. They’ll go to about ankle or knee height, and hang off the edge of a twig or blade of grass with their legs extended. Entomologists, who probably think this is cute, call this behavior “questing.”

Once you brush against the tick, though, it’s on your body and all bets are off. The tick will climb up, up, up your pantleg, and you could find it anywhere. In one study, the lone star tick “favored the lower extremities [legs], buttocks, and groin” while blacklegged ticks didn’t care and would bite anywhere.

Ticks could be in your hair, in your beard, in your armpits, or where the sun don’t shine. They’re also very small, so you (or a very close friend) need to examine these areas carefully.

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